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Showing how marriage can be a beautiful thing. Rough times will occur but this is how you get through those moments!

Monday, January 10, 2011


It's difficult to trust anyone right? Simply because people have hurt us, so we are aware constantly of how we can be hurt. So how do we apply trust into our marriage? I came from a negative background, where the people a child should be able to trust, I couldn't. So when I came into my marriage, the idea of me trusting my husband fully was out of the question. This caused a lot of issues and I turned out to really be hurting my husband, because I didn't trust him at all. I was holding him to past hurts others did to me, and to what I know he could do. Trust just wasn't an issue I was facing towards my husband, but also to God. I believed in what the word would say. I would pray, and I thought I was trusting. However, when I would pray for help or to provide something, I would try to accomplish what I had just prayed for on my own. So there was my problem! I was relying on self, thinking I had to fix and provide everything. I had to let go of self and the "what ifs" life brings at us everyday. I had to trust God first and rely solely on Him to do what His word says. I then had to apply that into trusting my husband. Finances were a huge burden to me. I would stress out about every bill that would come into our home. My husband is the head of my household, I thought to myself, so he should be in charge of handling the finances and I would be his "helpmate". So there I was, trusting for the first time. I let go of knowing how much bills were and how they were getting paid. I put my trust in God to work through my husband. The bible does tell us to "put trust in no man", so I didn't and won't. I trust God to work through my husband and to lead him to take care of my family. We have been blessed so much this I let go. Not only have bills been paid, but my husband set up to pay towards our credit to clear us out of debt. We went on vacation just the two of us, and we counted to the penny for gas, tickets, hotel cost, souvenirs for our three kids, and we brought our own food. So when we got to the hotel, we organized our money. We had already paid for our tickets and the hotel, put $20 for each kids gift in an envelope, and $50 for gas home. Miraculously we ended up having an additional $300 to spend. We recounted the money three times, and each time literally twenty dollar bills would appear. It was such a blessing. We knew it was from us trusting the Lord to provide for us, and paying our tithes and offerings. To trust, we can't hold the past or the possibilities of what could happen against us. We have to trust our spouse fully through Christ Jesus. Your spouse is your other half right? You so easily trust your left leg to walk in front after your right, though sometimes it might trip you. That is how we have to look at trusting our spouses.

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