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Showing how marriage can be a beautiful thing. Rough times will occur but this is how you get through those moments!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


  In this busy fast-paced thing we called life, it is important that you take the time to spend quality time with your souse. And YES, even with kids it's possible. My husband and I rarely get baby-sitters, and we don't get that break time most get while their children are in school, because we home school all three of our children. But we do get that time to have "us" time when the kids go down to bed, and we try for a once a month date out. If the date out isn't possible that month, we still set up a date night for a saturday after the kids go to bed. This time is important, because we have to take time to let our spouse know how much they are appreciated, needed, wanted, adored, cherished, and loved. Time to be specific in those things as well, rather than just saying those words. It's also a time to get back to why you two fell for each other. Consider your marriage to have an account of love. Through the walk of life in your marriage, those fights or arguments take with drawls out that can make us feel like "what's the point, they don't care anyways". However, if we are constantly making deposits such as; little love/encouraging notes, a long embrace, a passionate kiss, a compassionate smile, time you just listen, they will out weigh the with drawls and keep your flame of marriage burning as well as increase the flame. Time is very important. Husbands make deposits into your wife, and wives don't think your hubby doesn't deserved or want the passionate kiss, or the long embrace, they just might not want it every day. And I assure you, the listening to them whole-heartedly is the best deposit you can give them. You quiet, they talk!
  I pray this was encouraging to all that read this, and I encourage you to pass it on to a friend or family member. May God bless you.

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